List of products by brand Carbono Artisan Instruments

The collaboration between engineer Manuel Barro (an aircraft builder for Airbus for over 40 years) and musician Jorge Pérez (a world-class percussionist and Berklee College of Music graduate) has given birth to Carbono Artisan Instruments (C.A.I).

Each piece from Carbono Instruments is the proud result of teamwork, research, and knowledge, combining precise science with tradition.

Music is one of humanity's greatest expressions, and Carbono Artisan Instruments is committed to providing the best tools possible for its development.

All our instruments are designed with two premises in mind: achieving the best acoustic result and improving all the "secondary" aspects of any instrument: weight, durability, and ergonomics. Thanks to cutting-edge techniques, over 40 years of experience in carbon fiber manufacturing, and the musical knowledge of our team, we have achieved both goals: perfection in sound in amazingly lightweight and durable instruments, for which we also offer a lifetime warranty.

The C.A.I Team

Carbono Instruments

Cajon box drums

Carbon Fiber [JUST 21]

Carbon Fiber Drum Box designed by Carbono Artisan Instruments.

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