Abueno Luna
Abueno Luna
Abueno Luna
Abueno Luna

Abueno Luna

One of the most recommended drum boxes for those beginning their journey in the world of percussion.

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The Abueno Luna Drum Box is a flamenco drum box model renowned for its modern and elegant design, as well as its warm and resonant sound. It is constructed with high-quality birch wood and features a birch plywood front panel with a glossy black finish.

The Abueno Luna Drum Box has been very well received by the musician community, garnering highly positive reviews for its sound quality and build. Many musicians choose it for its modern and elegant design, as well as its versatility and adaptability to various musical styles.

In summary, the Abueno Luna Drum Box is a high-quality flamenco drum box made by the Spanish company Abueno. It is greatly valued for its modern design, warm and resonant sound, and its ability to adapt to different musical styles.

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